New Journal
/I have a beautiful leather bound journal that I've been writing in for about 3 years. Today I wanted to write "THE END" in it and start a new journal. But I couldn't do it. You know why? Because it's only about a third full. In three years, I've only written in roughly 30 pages of my beautiful journal.
I wanted to start fresh with a new journal today but I didn't. And the reason why is because of one word that I've committed 2015 to understanding better. The word is "BECOMING". I am in the process of becoming a committed writer, therefore, I need to finish what I started. This is difficult for me because I love beginning new adventures. My favorite word is "beginning" not "becoming".
My journal has one of my favorite verses embossed on it. It says, "For I know the plans I have for you." Declares the Lord. "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11.
In my future, which is happening one second, one minute, one hour, one day at a time, in my future, I want to be a person who it is said, "She finished what she started. She became what she set out to become because she didn't stop when it felt like she had only made it inches from where she began. Her future was bright and bold and brave because she became those things little-by-little, one day at a time."
Where ever you are today, I hope you pick up your good habit, or your goal, or your resolution you began in January and you KEEP GOING today. We can become it if we keep at it.